I was tagged by Krista at Life or something like it... for this ABC meme. Now you'll know all my dirty secrets...haha!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Share your ABCs
3. Tag three people at the end by linking to their blogs
4. Let the three tagged people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
5. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag
Available or single? no, I'm married, but at times "for how much longer" could be a question-lol
Best Friend? Lisa, my sister Tracy and my mom, of course!
Cake or Pie? This is a tough one...gonna have to go with cake
Drink of choice? Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi...I'm addicted. Never serve me regular cola. I can get very mean!
Essential item for every day use? The computer. My internet was down for a few days a couple of weeks ago. It was awful!
Favorite color? blue
Google? I use Publisher's Clearing House's search engine, Blingo (utilizes Yahoo, Ask, & bing)
Hometown? Midland, Michigan
Indulgences? The only thing I truly indulge myself with are books...used book sales, thrift stores, online book sites, book clubs (like BOMC2, Doubleday, etc)
January or February? January
Kids and their names? 2 boys...Gabriel (Gabe) and Reece
Life is incomplete without…? family, books, cats (my cat, Alis), friends, Christmas, books, books, and books!
Marriage? I've been married for 11 years
Number of siblings? one sister and one half brother
Oranges or apples? Granny Smith apples...I cannot stand peeling oranges!
Phobias and fears? snakes, death, and, like Krista, sharks...I will not swim in the ocean!
Quote for the day? Wear the old coat and buy the new book ~Austin Phelps
Reason to smile? books and talking about books with so many wonderful people online =)
Season? Winter (Less than four months until Christmas...woot!)
Tag 3 people?
Deb at Bookmagic
Angie Muresan
Robyn at This is what I have to say....
And anyone else who would like to join in!
Unknown fact about me? I moved to Nashville to be a singer. Didn't work out, but I still sing occasionally...mostly at karaoke. I love to sing!
Vegetable you hate? peas
Worst habit? I have to give the same answer here as Krista....Procrastination!
X-rays you’ve had? teeth, chest xrays, right foot, lung scan, mammogram (is it an xray?)
Your fave food? Mexican cuisine
Zodiac sign? Libra
And that completes by ABCs! I look forward to reading everyone else's responses!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Share your ABCs
3. Tag three people at the end by linking to their blogs
4. Let the three tagged people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
5. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag
Available or single? no, I'm married, but at times "for how much longer" could be a question-lol
Best Friend? Lisa, my sister Tracy and my mom, of course!
Cake or Pie? This is a tough one...gonna have to go with cake
Drink of choice? Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi...I'm addicted. Never serve me regular cola. I can get very mean!
Essential item for every day use? The computer. My internet was down for a few days a couple of weeks ago. It was awful!
Favorite color? blue
Google? I use Publisher's Clearing House's search engine, Blingo (utilizes Yahoo, Ask, & bing)
Hometown? Midland, Michigan
Indulgences? The only thing I truly indulge myself with are books...used book sales, thrift stores, online book sites, book clubs (like BOMC2, Doubleday, etc)
January or February? January
Kids and their names? 2 boys...Gabriel (Gabe) and Reece
Life is incomplete without…? family, books, cats (my cat, Alis), friends, Christmas, books, books, and books!
Marriage? I've been married for 11 years
Number of siblings? one sister and one half brother
Oranges or apples? Granny Smith apples...I cannot stand peeling oranges!
Phobias and fears? snakes, death, and, like Krista, sharks...I will not swim in the ocean!
Quote for the day? Wear the old coat and buy the new book ~Austin Phelps
Reason to smile? books and talking about books with so many wonderful people online =)
Season? Winter (Less than four months until Christmas...woot!)
Tag 3 people?
Deb at Bookmagic
Angie Muresan
Robyn at This is what I have to say....
And anyone else who would like to join in!
Unknown fact about me? I moved to Nashville to be a singer. Didn't work out, but I still sing occasionally...mostly at karaoke. I love to sing!
Vegetable you hate? peas
Worst habit? I have to give the same answer here as Krista....Procrastination!
X-rays you’ve had? teeth, chest xrays, right foot, lung scan, mammogram (is it an xray?)
Your fave food? Mexican cuisine
Zodiac sign? Libra
And that completes by ABCs! I look forward to reading everyone else's responses!
Oh dear! There will be nothing mysterious about me anymore... haha.
ReplyDeleteOh, awesome you're a singer! That's cool!
ReplyDeleteOhhh, dont mention Christmas... At least I just started catalog shopping for Christmas, just a few things. At least it is a start.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers. I am working on getting my answers done. No, I am not cheating (incase the thought arose.) Just putting off.
Thanks for the tag! I hate snakes too!
ReplyDeleteI'm a Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi person from way back. It started as a dietary measure but now it's just because of the taste. Once some friends and I were out to eat. I ordered my meal and a plate of nachos for the table with a Diet Coke. And the waiter looked at me and said,"Diet Coke? Really?" Tip for that one was not generous!
ReplyDeleteYeah, what people don't seem to understand is that most of us who drink diet coke/diet pepsi do so because we actually like the taste! Not because of dietary necessity. I think regular Coke is just...blah :P
ReplyDeleteHadn't heard that quote before. Love it! And I got a kick out of the fact that so many of us are listing procrastination as our worst habit. Shame on us! Guess we're too busy reading, so put everything else off. *L*