My son does not have Autism nor Asperger's. However, he does have ADHD (diagnosed when he was five) and so I did a lot of reading about Spectrum Disorder because for a while we suspected he might have one or the other. Though ADHD is not on the Spectrum, there are some similarities, and Gabe having ADHD qualified him for exceptional education services throughout his school years. I had to attend meetings every school year to reevaluate his IEP (Individualized Education Program). All this being said, he ended up doing very well educationally, bringing in a 3.7 GPA his senior year.
This brings me around to the subject at hand. The young man behind the book,
Expect A Miracle. David Petrovic, diagnosed with Autism as a toddler, has found happiness and success. This new edition of the book (released July 7th) is the story of his journey. Read on to learn where the unique version of the title originated.
Why the Backwards “E”?
by Sandy Petrovic and David Petrovic
Expect a Miracle: Understanding and Living with Autism chronicles a young man’s journey to happiness from the separate writings of him and his mother (me!). Diagnosed as a toddler, David Petrovic fulfills his dreams of teaching middle school and speaking nationally—and he continues to reach new goals and greater heights. More than just a story, the book is filled with tips, strategies, and lessons learned, and it gives the reader the unique opportunity to experience life from the perspectives of the autistic person and family living it. Valuable for self-advocates, families, professionals, and employers, it addresses issues from toddlerhood through young adulthood, including bullying, college prep/success, and acclimation to the workplace.
Echoing the style of our book, my son and I will each contribute our separate thoughts in this blog, with David’s in italics to clarify that distinction.
The cover of this second edition book is particularly symbolic for us, and the eye is immediately drawn to that backwards “E” in the title. Was it a mistake? Hardly!Sandy:Like this “E,” David often drew attention to himself and stood out as being different. He was repeatedly out of synch with the majority, doing things his way and behaving or enjoying activities different from the norm. He saw the world from a contrasting perspective. Imagine what life is like living among letters that all face a different direction—not understanding their ways and rules! And he
did want participation and relationships in that world!
David had different needs, and he often required information and social skills to be presented in varied ways before comprehension dawned—but was he wrong, just because he was different?? One might think that the backwards “E” is the outlier, until the time is taken to learn and understand
why he or she does what he or she does. After getting to know the person and discovering his or her strengths, one might then rightfully appreciate him or her and even regard that backwards “E” as cool, unexpected, courageous, refreshing, and uniquely insightful.
There is symbolism in the illustration, as well. Every developmental milestone or aspect of life is made more cumbersome by the load of differences inherent in autism—an additional weight on one’s back. But with the proper tools, learnt skills, and accommodations also carried, barriers can be crossed! The backpack additionally symbolizes individualized education: learning is possible if concepts are taught in a way that makes sense and works for each person. Vocational training, job skill acquisition, and/or college may be attainable with the right accommodations, supports, and programs—all leading to increased independence.
People with autism might take different, longer routes to get to the other side of a challenge, but they
can make it! Determination and daring are depicted on this cover, but transitioning, preparation, and use of strengths also go a long way towards attaining success.
If you don’t take a leap, you will never know if you could have accomplished getting to the desired place—the sky is the limit.
The backwards “E” represents my comfort and openness to be different—and own it! I acknowledge that there are people who will not vibe with me because of who I am...and that’s okay! If people don’t like my differences, they are entitled to their opinions, but I am going to keep being “me.” I am confident in showing the world my individuality, and I am not afraid to go against the grain of society. I even believe that there’s a reason why they call autism or any other diagnosis “a difference”: because one has the potential to MAKE a difference.
The image of an individual leaping across a canyon is the ultimate representation of taking a leap of faith. The canyon implies the risk and fear of falling way down and experiencing tremendous pain from it. But the young man on the cover illustrates the confidence and fearlessness I now possess. Unlike my younger years, it is no longer within me to give up trying. I know that even if I fall, I will find the drive to get back up. I am no longer afraid of failure.Finally, note the rays on this cover: are they emanating determination and motivation from within, or are they coming from an external source of guidance and possibility? And why did we choose the title, “Expect a Miracle”? Those answers, and many others, will be found within the pages of our book...