I'm going to forego my normal weekly post to focus more on my reading plans for the month. There are a plethora of read-a-longs and events going on! So, here we go...
Crime and Punishment at Unputdownables...a three month read-a-long
Stephen King's The Shining read-a-long, otherwise known as #shineon at Fizzy Thoughts
Continuing with Les Miserables at TuesBookTalk
Gone Girl at The Lost Entwife Read-Alongs on Goodreads
I'm behind on the Dark Tower series read-a-long that I'm hosting over at my Stephen King Challenge blog. Still reading book three, The Waste Lands, and we're supposed to be starting book four, Wizard and Glass for February and March. Eek!
Review Copy Clean-Up at Books, Biscuits and Tea...I'm hoping to read 3-4 review books, including The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry, Four Sisters, All Queens by Sherry Jones, and two others plus a book tour review toward the end of the month.
Wicked Valentine's Read-a-Thon, February 7 - 14 (#WWReadathon) hosted by My Shelf Confessions. Of course, I'll be reading from the books I mentioned above.
I'm hoping to participate...big emphasis on hoping...in the Social Justice Theme Read at Resistance is Futile and French February at Delaisse. I'm going to read The Plague by Albert Camus for both events.
Life News
During the Mini-Bloggiesta this weekend, I finally finished shelving and organizing my books. I was going to post pictures, but my room is a mess. I will try to post some pics later this week.
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia and is being hosted by Unabridged Chick this month. (You can click the book covers in the BookBox to view the book(s) on Amazon)

Looky what my dad let me borrow (and I'm hoping he will let me keep it *wink*)
I won these way back before I moved from Book Chick City and just found the package in a box. Doh!
The Autumn series by David Moody
The City (Book 2)
Purification (Book 3)
Disintegration (Book 4)
Keats Poetical Works edited by H.W. Garrod
Deadfall by Robert Liparulo
Adam by Ted Dekker
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady written by Edith Holden

I really enjoyed Gone Girl! And what I feel live I've been saying over and over, is that everyone should read is ASAP, if only to make sure no one can spoil it for them.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how you keep up with so many readalongs! I'm about to get back to Les Mis this week after taking a week off but I'm telling you there will be massive amounts of skimming going on!