Tuesday, September 11, 2012

BBAW Day Two--I Interview Meg from A Bookish Affair

Quick thanks to Risa for pointing out that I neglected to include a link to Meg's blog.  Please click the image above to visit A Bookish Affair.

1. You started blogging in 2011. Can you tell me what led you to book blogging? 
I've always read a lot. Before I started book blogging, I kept track of what I read through Goodreads. I saw a couple people that I had "met" through Goodreads had book blogs and check them out and decided that book blogging was something that I could do too!

2. What is your go-to genre--the genre which you know almost every book you pick up you will like? What makes this genre your top choice? 
For me, Historical Fiction is probably my go-to genre. I'm a history buff and I think that HF is a fun way to learn something. I love seeing how people lived in different time periods and I love seeing how some of the things that we struggle with today are things that people struggled with way back when. It makes you feel a little less alone in the world.

3. If you were to branch out from your reading comfort zone, in what direction would you go? Book blogging has actually broadened my reading a lot. I've always been an eclectic reader but book blogging has opened me up to genres like Young Adult Fiction and Romance. I love that this community has done that for me!

4. Can you give me your top three favorite books of all time? 
Oh man, this is like choosing children. Here are three books (in no particular order) that I love a lot.
1. Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia-Marquez (this love story is amazing, so amazing).
2. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (this is the book that I recommend to everyone I meet)
3. Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs (this book has the special designation of being one that I read in one sitting while at Starbucks; truly the marking of a special book)

5. Tell us a little about your life outside of blogging. 
I live in Maryland with my husband and two kitties. We just bought a 103 year old house so we've been spending a lot of time fixing up the house (see, history has a way of sneaking into all aspects of my life!!!). I work full time but in my free time, I love reading (duh!), entertaining friends and family, and traveling.

6. I know you are a cat lover, like me. A lot of my readers are also cat lovers. Can you tell us about your kitties?
I have two kitties: Totoro and Winston Churchill (oh, history, there you are again). Totoro and Winston are litter mates. I adopted Totoro about 7 years ago from a no kill cat shelter. I only adopted Totoro because I was in college and didn't think I could take care of two cats. I finished college and moved back home so Totoro got used to being with my parents' cats. When I moved out, Totoro was really lonely so I went back to the same no kill shelter and Totoro's brother was still there so I adopted him. At that point, about 3 years had passed since the cats had seen each other. It took them about a day and then they were ready to play and cuddle with each other. I'm completely convinced that they remembered each other!

7. How about a little this or that? 
rock or country? Rock
Fall or Spring? Fall is definitely my favorite season.
Halloween or Christmas? Christmas
coffee or tea? Ooo, that's hard. Coffee in the morning. Tea at night.
cake or pie? Pie (especially apple or peanut butter)
eBooks or paper bound books? or audio books? Paper bound books are the best!
classics or contemporary novels? I have a great fear of classics so contemporary on this one.
Jane Austen or Charles Dickens? Charles Dickens
read-a-thon or reading challenge? Reading challenge
reading or breathing? (I couldn't resist!) Another tough question. Being a former high school swimmer, I can still hold my breath for a really long time so as long as I would be allowed to just hold my breath while reading, I'd be okay :)

I really enjoyed 'meeting' Meg and learning more about her.  Aren't her kitties just lovely?  I'm hoping she will consider joining us for Cat Thursday. =O)

Who did you meet today?



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  1. This was a nice interview to read. Just want to let you know, Michelle, that you're missing a link to your interviewee's blog.;)

    I also love that last question where you get to choose one of two....it says so much about a person!

  2. Thanks for interviewing me! And yes, I definitely want to join in on Cat Thursday!!!

  3. Great interview! Meg's kitties are lovely and it's nice to think of them lounging around in a 103 year old house. :)

  4. Great interview! I'm not familiar with Meg so I will have to check her blog out.

  5. Love the Picture!!! How could you pick Dickens over Austen? LOL Great Interview!

  6. Fun interview! And yay! Another HF lover!

  7. Great interview! Love the picture of Toronto and Winston. And yea for apple pie! :)

  8. Great interview! I'm really enjoying getting to know everyone more!

  9. Fun! Off to check out your interview.

  10. A lover of historical fiction and cats? I'd say you got partnered up well! I was wondering how you'd answer that readathon or reading challenge since you're addicted to both!

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