I didn't have much time the last few days to post about these mini-challenges. I've been catching up on end of year posts and trying to decide on mini-challenges. On part of Sunday and all day Monday, I read a book for review so that was my read-a-thon part of the Pick Your A Thon! Okay, so onward....
12 Most Anticipated Books of 2012 (in no particular order)

The Crown by Nancy Bilyeau--I actually already have this one. I'm on a book tour for it.
The Winter Palace: A Novel of Catherine the Great by Eva StachniakDeath of Kings by Bernard Cornwell
The Maid: A Novel of Joan of Arc by Kimberly Cutter
Ragnarok: The End of the Gods by A. S. Byatt
The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice
Mrs. God: A Novel by Peter Straub
The Wind Through the Keyhole: A Dark Tower Novel by Stephen King
The Book of Lost Fragrances by M.J. Rose--another I'm on the tour for!
At the Mercy of the Queen: A Novel of Anne Boleyn by Anne Clinard Barnhill--another tour!
The Turning of Anne Merrick by Christine Blevins--yet another tour...
The King's Agent by Donna Russo Morin--and another tour!
Pretty cool that I already get to read 5 of my most anticipated books!
Organizing Upcoming Reviews
I have a huge stack of review books and I'm quite behind on the ones that aren't for a set tour date. One thing I already have in place is a monthly planner in which I keep track of tour dates (guest post, reviews, interviews) for review books. I also have a Google calendar on my blog, but have not been very good about adding dates to it. That is something I plan to keep up with from now on.
Two things I will implement:
--Create a page on The True Book Addict and Castle Macabre with my list of review books, those with set dates and without, so I can cross them off as I go.
--I will also have a list in my planner as a back-up.
Join Some Challenges
I'm actually still in the process of working on which challenges to sign up for, but as I was going through my challenges from last year, I learned that I didn't fail at as many as I thought! In fact, I completed 9 out of 19 signed up for. That's not including completing the Spring Reading Thing last year, Once Upon a Time V, R.I.P. VI, and my Christmas reading challenge doesn't end until Friday, so I'm still reading for it. Not too bad, especially compared to 2010's attempt.
A couple I know for sure I'm signing up for (click images for challenge details):
There will be more...many, many more so stay tuned!
Organizing your Bookshelves
I actually worked on this in the weeks leading up to Christmas. I unpacked, organized, and shelved over 2000 of my books...all the fiction. I ran out of bookshelves for my non-fiction in the bedroom and, as you can see from this picture, I still need more for my main library. I have a couple more places to squeeze in a few more bookshelves in this tiny apartment. Here is my temporary solution to the problem: the books are stacked in front of the bookshelves...lovely! The corner bookshelf in the picture is where I have my favorite authors of whose books I have a ton and series books by other favorites, including Stephen King, Anne Rice, Jane Austen, Jean Auel, Diana Gabaldon, Bernard Cornwell, etc., etc.
In my bedroom, on my desk, I have three, narrow 3-shelf bookshelves on which I have my review books and my writing books. I can't share a picture because it's a total mess right now, but I will be getting it straight in the next week or so.
So, there you have it...mini-challenges complete! Now I'm off to continue choosing reading challenges for the remainder of the A Thon!

Organizing Upcoming Reviews
I have a huge stack of review books and I'm quite behind on the ones that aren't for a set tour date. One thing I already have in place is a monthly planner in which I keep track of tour dates (guest post, reviews, interviews) for review books. I also have a Google calendar on my blog, but have not been very good about adding dates to it. That is something I plan to keep up with from now on.
Two things I will implement:
--Create a page on The True Book Addict and Castle Macabre with my list of review books, those with set dates and without, so I can cross them off as I go.
--I will also have a list in my planner as a back-up.
Join Some Challenges
I'm actually still in the process of working on which challenges to sign up for, but as I was going through my challenges from last year, I learned that I didn't fail at as many as I thought! In fact, I completed 9 out of 19 signed up for. That's not including completing the Spring Reading Thing last year, Once Upon a Time V, R.I.P. VI, and my Christmas reading challenge doesn't end until Friday, so I'm still reading for it. Not too bad, especially compared to 2010's attempt.
A couple I know for sure I'm signing up for (click images for challenge details):
There will be more...many, many more so stay tuned!
Organizing your Bookshelves
I actually worked on this in the weeks leading up to Christmas. I unpacked, organized, and shelved over 2000 of my books...all the fiction. I ran out of bookshelves for my non-fiction in the bedroom and, as you can see from this picture, I still need more for my main library. I have a couple more places to squeeze in a few more bookshelves in this tiny apartment. Here is my temporary solution to the problem: the books are stacked in front of the bookshelves...lovely! The corner bookshelf in the picture is where I have my favorite authors of whose books I have a ton and series books by other favorites, including Stephen King, Anne Rice, Jane Austen, Jean Auel, Diana Gabaldon, Bernard Cornwell, etc., etc.
In my bedroom, on my desk, I have three, narrow 3-shelf bookshelves on which I have my review books and my writing books. I can't share a picture because it's a total mess right now, but I will be getting it straight in the next week or so.
So, there you have it...mini-challenges complete! Now I'm off to continue choosing reading challenges for the remainder of the A Thon!

That corner is really stuffed full of books!
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I think that you have more books than I do...I have my share though. Good luck on your goals for 2012. I have all the same books for tours that you do and look forward to reading them...!!
ReplyDeleteLots of good books there! Welcome back for the Historical fiction challenge again this year.