Monday, July 19, 2010

Yet another Read-A-Thon...yes, I'm obsessed!

UPDATE:  Kristen has clarified the dates and the readathon does run from Monday, 7/19 through Sunday, July 25th.  The review-a-thon is on Friday, 7/23, if you choose to participate in that.

I just found out about this read-a-thon a little earlier from Miss Eliza at Strange and Random Happenstance and, YES, I'm going to participate.  I'm still pretty much homebound, recuperating from my leg ordeal.  Last week, during Lori's Once Upon a Time Read-a-Thon, I was still pretty weak and run down so I could not stay awake much for reading.  What a difference a week makes! I'm a lot stronger now and I'm not sleeping as much so I have high hopes for getting more reading done.  You all know how backlogged I am! Plus, I work from home and only need to get so much writing for that done every day so it will be doable (is that a word?).   Anyway, I'm finished rambling.  Here are the details for the read-a-thon:

Kristen over at Bookworming in the 21st Century is having yet another huge readathon starting today and going through till Friday, The Huge TBR Read-a-thon (Take 2).

When: Monday July 19th until Friday, July 25th! (I'm not sure on the date because Fri. is the 23rd so does it end Fri. or Sun., which is actually the 25th?  Guess I'll find out!)
Where: Here! Or on your own blog.
What do I have to do? Read, read read. Kristen's designating Friday as her Review-a-thon. Join her on Friday in reviewing all the great books you've read or ones that are in your backlog.

This is my self-imposed read the following books (and start at least one):
  1. Finish Virgin and the Crab by Robert Parry (yes, I'm STILL reading it.  I'm enjoying it, believe I'm not sure what the problem is!)
  2. Read Venetia Kelly's Traveling Show by Frank Delaney
  3. Finish The Red Door by Charles Todd (I'm only in about 40-50 pages)
  4. Read The International Kittens of Mystery by Chris Dolley for this week's Cat Thursday
  5. Read (hopefully) or start The Queen's Pawn by Christy English
  6. Read (hopefully) or start Dracula in Love by Karen Essex
  7. Start Under the Dome by Stephen King (I have been wanting to read this for months...I'd like to at least start it!)
  8. Possible addition to list...I'm supposed to be receiving Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia from Other Shelf Tours.
Other blog activities I will be doing:
  • Mailbox Monday and What are you reading Monday?
  • working on the Christmas in July event over at my Christmas blog (giveaway coming up!)
  • working on a list for possible picks for our Twitter TuesBookTalk chat
  • Cat Thursday
  • reviews, reviews, reviews...still have to do book and movie review for Eclipse!
I'm going to start right now...well, actually I started at 4:30 am.  Yes, I'm STILL up! Not sure how long I'll last this morning, but here goes.......


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I apologize for word verification, but as soon as I changed the settings from only users with Google accounts, I started receiving a ton of spam comments...within one hour of changing the settings. The bots are on high alert apparently.

  1. Ooops! It's actually Sunday.. I'm a dork. Guess I had Friday on my mind because I was thinking about what day to do a Review-a-thon! Lolz. Thanks for joining me and becoming a follower! :-D

  2. What an ambitious list -- I'm sure you can do it!

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