Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Review Copy Cleanup...Here We Go Again!


Here I am participating in another Review Copy Cleanup, hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea and Celine at Nyx Book Reviews.  I know there's no way I'm going to complete all of them (I would have to be the bionic reader), but I'm going to really try to cross at least a few off the list.  I also have three tours this month, but they're spaced far apart so shouldn't be too bad.

Okay, here are my lists...please don't judge. *blushes*

My book tours this month
Beneath the Slashings by Michelle Isenhoff  (author tour--tour date 8/6)
White Lies by Jeremy Bates (Pump Up Your Book--at Castle Macabre 8/17)
The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle (Bewitching Book Tours--at Castle Macabre 8/27)

Hard Copies:
The Great Sphinx of Amun-Ra by Herbert L. Smith
Rebel Puritan by Jo Ann Butler
Four Sisters, All Queens by Sherry Jones
The Taker by Alma Katsu
The Reckoning by Alma Katsu
Sherlock Holmes: The Army of Dr. Moreau by Guy Adams
To Serve a King by Donna Russo Morin
To Be Queen by Christy English
Silk Road by Colin Falconer
Bending the Boyne by J.S. Dunn
Blood and Silk by Carol McKay
The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry
The Half-Made World by Felix Gilman
The Lucifer Code by Charles Brokaw
Once Wicked Always Dead by T. Marie Benchley
Probability Angels by Joseph Devon
White Seed by Paul Clayton
The Hum and the Shiver by Alex Bledsoe
Unrest in Eden by Florence B. Weinberg
The Secret of a Spicy Jalapeno by Charlie Courtland
Blood of my Brother by James LePore
A World I Never Made by James LePore
Anyone Can Die by James LePore (three short stories)

The Cross and the Dragon by Kim Rendfeld
A Soul to Steal by Rob Blackwell
Alone in the Company of Others by Kelly Huddleston
American Horror edited by Scott Nicholson
Asenath by Anna Patricio
A Career Guide to Your Job in Hell edited by Scott S. Phillips and Robert E. Vardeman
Decayed Etchings by Brandon Ford
The Devil Stood Up by Christine Dougherty
Honor and Entropy by Arthur Spevak and J.E. Rainey
Nightfall in Mogadishu by Veronica Li
Pigtailed Heart by Ruth Francisco
Slate by Brian Rowe
The Summoner by Layton Green
Where Darkness Dwells by Glen Krisch
Witch Hunt by Devin O'Branagan
Y by Bonnie Rozanski



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  1. Well.............. this makes me feel a whole lot better......!!!


  2. Wow! I cannot imagine having that many waiting to be read! I only have eight to read at the moment and I thought that was a lot! I say No frequently. ;-) Good luck!! I hope they're good!

  3. And here I am feeling overwhelmed by my 10 NetGalleys! (It was 7 when I started the Review Copy Cleanup, but then I got 3 more...)

    Good luck!

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