Saturday, August 5, 2023

It's my 14 Year Blogiversary!!

14 years of writing about books...and cats! If someone would have told me back in 2009 that I would still be blogging, and basically running my own online reading community, I would not have believed it. What a blessing this blog, and community, has been for me. I hope to continue for many years to come, and I hope you will be with me. 

If you're new to my site, check down in the sidebar and you will see graphics linking to the moving parts of the reading community I mentioned above. 

To everyone who has been here since the beginning, and those who came after. thank you for letting me share with you. 

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Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. It means so much.

I apologize for word verification, but as soon as I changed the settings from only users with Google accounts, I started receiving a ton of spam comments...within one hour of changing the settings. The bots are on high alert apparently.

  1. Congratulations on your milestone anniversary, Michelle! I have really enjoyed getting to know you and reading so many wonderful books with you over the years. You have definitely broadened my reading horizons and inspired me to read outside my comfort zone. After all these years (we started at about the same time), I am still very grateful for this opportunity to post about what I am reading and find kindred spirits along the way. Happy end of summer!

    1. Thanks, Jane. It has been wonderful reading with you (and Lucy) for all these years. Sometimes I can't believe how long it has been! Here's to many more years of great reading and blogging.

  2. Happy 14 years Michelle!

  3. Concatulations on your blogoversary !

  4. Congrats Michelle! Happy Blogiversary!!

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