I almost forgot about this! My read-a-thon, High Summer, is going on right now, but why not join another!?
I'm planning on going for a total page count rather than number of books read for this read-a-thon (I already finished one this week for High Summer. Woot!). I think I'm going to jump around with my reading rather than focus on just one book.
I have to finish the Earthsea Trilogy by Tuesday so will try to read a good chunk of it.
I'm going to get started reading 13 Ways to Look at a Novel and The Greenlanders, both by Jane Smiley. We're reading three Jane Smiley books for my Lit Collective group read (on Goodreads) in August. I'm picking up the third book, A Thousand Acres, at the library later today since I can't seem to locate my copy.
- Where in the world are you reading from this weekend?
Nashville, Tennessee, US - Have you done the 24in48 readathon before?
I think I did once. - Where did you hear about the readathon, if it is your first?
Thank goodness I subscribe to the blog via email. Otherwise, I might have missed it! - What book are you most excited about reading this weekend?
13 Ways of Looking at the Novel by Jane Smiley - Tell us something about yourself.
Mom of 2 boys, avid reader, writer, book blogger, cat lover, singer & owner of a massive home library - Remind us where to find you online this weekend.
Here on this blog, but most likely in my read-a-thon group on Facebook, Seasons of Reading, or on Twitter.
Full details on the 24 in 48 read-a-thon and you can still sign up! Hour zero post here.

Enjoy! I'm joining in as much as I can and really need the reading time!