Saturday, March 17, 2012

How Fast Do You Read?

I learned of this app from Trish at Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'? It was developed in conjunction with Staples and it was specifically designed with the reading of eBooks in mind. Not sure how it applies to paper books, but I think I read about the same in both formats. However, many people believe they read faster on their eReaders (a few of my blogging friends have mentioned this). Here are my results and a few fun facts surrounding my score.

My score was 271 words per minute.
8% faster than the national average.
According to the app, if I maintain this reading speed, I could read:
  • War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy in 36 hours, 7 minutes
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in 4 hours, 44 minutes
  • Lord of the Rings in 29 hours, 26 minutes
  • 1984 by George Orwell in 5 hours, 28 minutes
  • The Bible in 47 hours, 50 minutes
I could read 3.6 books on my Sony Reader before recharging.

Quite interesting! I'm 8% faster than the national average?  Who woulda thought! And I thought I was a painfully slow reader.  Now we know that my slow reading during read-a-thons is due to distraction and time wasting.  I've been found out! *L*

If you would like to check out the app for yourself, click the image below.  Have fun and come back and share what you got!



Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. It means so much.

I apologize for word verification, but as soon as I changed the settings from only users with Google accounts, I started receiving a ton of spam comments...within one hour of changing the settings. The bots are on high alert apparently.

  1. Thank you for this posting. I thought it was fun tool. I also feel that I read EBooks faster than print, at least it seems that way to me. According to the that app, I was 291 words per minute, but like you said, there were no distractions. Great post, I will be posting it on my blog with thanks to you.

  2. Hmm i never thought to see how fast i read, if i even tried to read fast, i'd accomplish a pretty good speed, but recalling what i read, haha that is a whole other story :P

  3. I try to read fast but not nearly this fast, of course my time on reading is limited based on having kids and being a homeschooling mom. But I read alot if you are to factor in those. I like taking my time sometimes letting things sink in, I could read Jane Austen novels all day again and again if I had the time. Thanks for the post I had no idea.

  4. That's neat. I've never done a test to see how fast I read. It sounds like you are pretty fast. ;)

  5. I did this test through another blog on wordpress (and I tried to leave a comment there, but it wouldn't let me)... I tracked you down instead to leave my results. :)

    My reading speed is 259 words per minute and that's 4% faster than the national average... very cool!

    However, it doesn't help me now as I'm in a reading slump.... oh well! Out into the garden I go to fix that up until I'm reading again! :D

  6. Love this! I didn't realize that I was a fast reader, although I knew I wasn't slow. But my words per minute was 344, although I suspect it just depends on what I'm reading. I can blaze through YA books, but the denser the book the more my reading slows down. Still, it's nice to know. My words per minute typed can be pretty dismal, but at least I'll be able to dazzle future employers/party goers with my fast reading skills... lol

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