A Rather Lovely Soirée for Talk like Jane Austen Day
Oct. 30, 2011
Shadow and Light
Being a video gallery of excellent Austen movie adaptations
Splash of our Worlds (@SplashOOWorlds)Silk and Satin
Being a gallery of charming Regency gowns
Elbit Blog (@MeriGreenleaf)
Wit and Wisdom
Being a top 10 list of Jane Austen quotes
Tina's Book Reviews (@BooksAtTinas)
Screens and Pages
Being a video reading from Sense and Sensibility
Video channel: I Love Books (@Booklover_622)
Blog: The Book Addict (@christina_622)
Worldly and Otherworldy
Jane's Ghost
Being a sweet mystery related to that late worthy, the writer Jane Austen
vvb32reads (@vvb32reads)
Tea and Sweets
Being a visit to Jane Austen's home
The True Book Addict (@truebookaddict)
Note: Music here is auto-play but can be shut off, player is on right sidebar.
Ink and Pixels
Being a video reading of a Jane Austen work (excerpt)
Pre-event: Video reading from Sense and Sensibility
Video channel: Coffee and a Good Book
Blog: Inky Pages
Inky Pages (@InkyPages)
Past and Present
Divine Jane: Reflections on Austen
Being a video featurette on Jane Austen's literary influence
Songs and Stories (@LiederMadchen)
Quizzes and Quizzicality
Being a video quiz for Austen lovers (incl. goodies)
Video channel: Sable Caught
Sable Caught (Twitter N/A)
Event video hosted at Random Magic Tour - The Coven
Watch: Quizzes and Quizzicality
Travel and Translation
Being a photo gallery of Jane Austen lovers from around the world
El Salón de Té de Jane/Jane's Tea Room (@SalonJaneAusten)
Event video hosted at Random Magic Tour - The Coven
Souvenir schedule
Browse: Travel and Translation
El Salón de Té de Jane/Jane's Tea Room (@SalonJaneAusten)
Event video hosted at Random Magic Tour - The Coven
Souvenir schedule
Browse: Travel and Translation
Audio and Artistry
Being a collection of audio book treats
Random Magic Tour - The Coven (@RandomMagicTour)
This event will arrive on October 30. In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy a pre-event reading from Sense and Sensibility by @InkyPages: Watch
*****More Jane!*****
WIN this book at Bookie Brunch, offer open through December 15, 2011.
About: When publisher Thomas Cadell declined an unsolicited manuscript offered to him by a Hampshire clergyman in 1797, he made one of the biggest mistakes in publishing history, for the manuscript was an early version of Pride and Prejudice, and the clergyman's daughter was destined to become one of the most recognizable names in literature... (More)
INVITATION to Pemberley Ball, Nov. 14-19, 2011
You're also invited to another charming Jane Austen event, the annual Pemberley Ball, held every November
and hosted by vvb32reads (@vvb32reads).
More information on Pemberley Ball
Pre-event reading from Pride and Prejudice: Listen
Last season: The Party Scouts | Gallery of Gowns | Dance Card
Being a collection of audio book treats
Random Magic Tour - The Coven (@RandomMagicTour)
This event will arrive on October 30. In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy a pre-event reading from Sense and Sensibility by @InkyPages: Watch
*****More Jane!*****
WIN this book at Bookie Brunch, offer open through December 15, 2011.
About: When publisher Thomas Cadell declined an unsolicited manuscript offered to him by a Hampshire clergyman in 1797, he made one of the biggest mistakes in publishing history, for the manuscript was an early version of Pride and Prejudice, and the clergyman's daughter was destined to become one of the most recognizable names in literature... (More)
INVITATION to Pemberley Ball, Nov. 14-19, 2011
You're also invited to another charming Jane Austen event, the annual Pemberley Ball, held every November
and hosted by vvb32reads (@vvb32reads).
More information on Pemberley Ball
Pre-event reading from Pride and Prejudice: Listen
Last season: The Party Scouts | Gallery of Gowns | Dance Card
Event production for A Rather Lovely Soirée by Random Magic Tour.
About Random Magic: Trailer | Print | Kindle
About Random Magic: Trailer | Print | Kindle
Oh what a great idea! Sometimes, I declare it "Speak with a British Accent Day!" Or, let's speak Faux French Day. Look forward to reading what people post.