Day Six Winners!
Melissa @ Must Read Faster
Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair
Head over to the PRIZE PAGE and pick your prize and then email me your choice at truebookaddictATgmailDOTcom Prizes are awarded on a first response basis. Congratulations!
Don't forget!
All of the mini-challenges and giveaways being hosted at other blogs are still going on. There are some great prizes up for grabs. Check out the list at this POST.
My Mega Mini-Challenge...the Covet/Cherish open until the end of the read-a-thon, Sunday at 11:59pm CST. Check the details out HERE.
Thank you for hosting A Winter's Respite Read-a-Thon, Michelle! You're awesome! As you know your R-a-T is the first one I've ever entered. I had great fun, so I'll definitely join in more often! :D