Monday, October 24, 2011

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

Yeah, yeah...I know.  Another read-a-thon! Sorry! But, as I was telling one of my fellow bloggers, the addiction runs long and deep. =O)

You can still sign up through October 28.  Go HERE for details/sign-up

Here is my main reading list:
Under the Dome (read-a-long catch up)
A Discovery of Witches (read-a-long catch up)
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (from my own shelves...glory be!)
American Horror (horror short stories)
Decayed Etchings (horror short stories)
The Reindeer Keeper (for review on Rudolph Day)

Now, take a look at this pile of books. These are writing books I'm consulting in the week leading up to NaNoWriMo. This week, I will be going to the library daily for planning and I will be reading these writing books (well, not all of them obviously).  Yes, I'm attempting NaNo again and I'm determined to succeed this time. 


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. It means so much.

I apologize for word verification, but as soon as I changed the settings from only users with Google accounts, I started receiving a ton of spam comments...within one hour of changing the settings. The bots are on high alert apparently.

  1. look at that stack of books...LOL Hope you had fun (I didn't have time to particpate).

  2. Yay! That's a big ole stack of books! Good lucky lady! Hope you get your reading done! I'm gonna focus on catching up my read-a-longs (at least today!)

  3. Good luck with your goals! I just ordered The Forest of Hands & Teeth. I'll keep it on standby just in case I get through my Bout-of-Books list.. LOL! Have fun!

  4. Woohoo.. another read-a-thon! We just can't get enough of them. :)

  5. Good luck with the Read-a-thon! Think you're as addicted to them as I am to challenges! *L*

    And good luck with NaNoWriMo too!

  6. Hope you had a wonderful time in the read athon! ANd so glad to hear you are doing Nano again. I'm going to try and attempt it this year. There's a few of us to help keep each other going. But I'm going to try. Don't know how it will go, but we shall see. :) Good luck to you!!

  7. *waves* hello fellow crazy read-a-thon addict! ;)

    I may give NANOWRIMO another try as well, I don't hope to finish though. Unfortunately it falls during my very busiest month at work, when even my at home time becomes some work time and I'm too tired to think. I wasn't going to bother, but then I got a pretty good idea this week and I've been considering it. Good luck with reading this week, and with noveling next month! :D

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