Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wicked Valentine's Read-a-Thon: Plans and Updates

Wicked Valentine's Read-a-Thon
Hosted by My Shelf Confessions:  Sign up by clicking the button

  Guess who my Valentine is this year?  Well, not who, but what.  You guessed it! A read-a-thon! I love, love, love them, even though I never do so hot, I still love the idea, the fun, and ye ole college try.  It starts at 12am EST so a bit under an hour to go!

These are the books I'm reading right now and they're all mostly for read-a-longs so I'm not going to commit to finishing any one book.  I'm going to go with a page goal this time of 1000 pages.  Can I do it in a week?  I hope so!

Final stats = 280 pages  *bleh*

Total pages read as of 2/12/13 = 198 pages

The Waste Lands (Dark Tower #3) by Stephen King (this one I need to finish)
The Shining by Stephen King
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky  53 pages
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo  100 pages
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn  45 pages
Dune by Frank Herbert
The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry



Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. It means so much.

I apologize for word verification, but as soon as I changed the settings from only users with Google accounts, I started receiving a ton of spam comments...within one hour of changing the settings. The bots are on high alert apparently.

  1. Happy reading, Michelle! I hope you'll complete your page goal & wow, great list of books.

  2. Good luck with your reading goals - SO need to make the time and go thru the Gunslinger series which I started so long ago!

    Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting Cat Thursday (mixing posts, I know!)

  3. Good luck with your reading goals!

  4. Best of luck! I tried to get into Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, but couldn't. Love her two previous books though.

  5. I like the idea of setting a number of pages for your goal instead of a number of books. It encourages you rather than feeling like you're getting no where which so often happens to me!

  6. Hello fellow bookworm. Visiting from the readathon and wanted to say hi. Good luck on meeting your goal. My mother loves Stephen King!

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