Monday, June 25, 2012

Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon: Starting Line and Updates

Sticky Post for read-a-thon updates...please scroll down for newer content.  Thanks!

Final Wrap-Up
Well, I didn't do as well as expected, but at least I read about a book and a half.  What I read:

The Queen's Vow by C.W. Gortner--379 pages
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith--141 of 336 pages

Day Five:
Haven't been doing much reading.  I slept for a LONG time this morning.  Tiredness must have caught up with me.  I completed the mini-challenge at My Shelf Confessions, the Summer Scorcher challenge.  We had to tell what three objects we would rescue from out in the sun, if we were a vampire, and how we would protect ourselves from the sun.  Here's what I said:

I would make me a full body suit which would cover me from head to toe, including head, using the material from those light blocking, black out curtains with only holes for my eyes and I would wear the strongest UV blocking sunglasses I could find. The three items I would grab? Well, since I’ve been alive for a very long time and all of my loved ones are long dead, I wouldn’t be worrying about grabbing them. However, I must always have a cat and that pesky cat just HAD to run out in the sun so, of course, I have to grab her. It also seems that my other two precious objects were in a drawstring rucksack and the silly cat got the strings around her neck whilst playing with them and drug it out in the sun as well. The other two precious objects contained in that bag are my black book with all the vampire safe house locations around the world and my locket with the pictures of my precious sons who have been gone for years. No way can I lose any of that stuff, although I might rethink the cat for putting me through this in the first place!

Currently Reading:  Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter--on page 125

Day 4 reading update:
Total Books Read: 1 (The Queen's Vow)
Total Pages Read: 504
Books Read Since Last Update: 1
Pages Read since last update:  24

Day Four:
So, I was reading Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter yesterday and hoped to finish it before seeing the movie today.  Well, I didn't.  Still saw the movie though.  Liked it pretty well, but bummed that two parts from the book were left out.  Overall, I'm liking the book more, I think.  Anyway, just completed the mini-challenge hosted over at The Non Reluctant Reader.

Currently Reading:  Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter--on page 101

Day 3 reading update:
Total Books Read: 1 (The Queen's Vow)
Total Pages Read: 468
Books Read Since Last Update: 1
Pages Read since last update:  101

Day Three:
I made the executive decision not to complete any mini-challenges today.  It's been one of those weeks and the boys are going to my mom's tonight for their weekly sleepover so I'm ready to relax and have some time to myself.  *sigh*  Here's my update:

Currently Reading:  Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter--on page 31

Day 2 reading update:
Total Books Read: 1 (The Queen's Vow)
Total Pages Read: 379
Books Read Since Last Update: 1
Pages Read since last update:  364

Day Two:  
Completed two mini-challenges (off blog)  Currently reading The Queen's Vow by C.W. Gortner.  I have to finish this before tomorrow morning.  My review is due tomorrow!

Day 1 reading update:
Total Books Read: 0
Total Pages Read: 15 (yeah, yesterday sucked majorly!)
Books Read Since Last Update: 0
Pages Read since last update:  15

Day One Challenge..Slake your thirst (hosted at Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer):

My drink:

Frozen Margarita!

1 (6 ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate
6 fluid ounces tequila
2 fluid ounces triple sec

Fill blender with crushed ice. Pour in limeade concentrate, tequila and triple sec. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve. (from

My most anticipated read of the summer is this lovely book that was released last Tuesday.  And guess what?  I'm reading it now!

The Queen's Vow by C.W. Gortner

Starting Line:
Another read-a-thon! Yes, that's right folks...I just can't get enough.  This read-a-thon is hosted by the lovely Rebecca @ Kindle Fever and April @ My Shelf Confessions and runs from today through June 24.  You can sign up any time between now and Saturday at midnight EST by going HERE.  I'll be reading as much as I can between working and other stuff.  Here's what I'm planning to read:

The Queen's Vow by C.W. Gortner
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith
(I know I will finish these two for sure because the first one I have to review on Friday and Abe Lincoln needs to be read before I see the movie on Saturday)
A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin (I'm hoping to finish this one)
The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood

We'll see how it goes!

Twitter hashtag:  #WWReadathon

Currently Reading:  The Queen's Vow



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  1. Oh the Queen's Vow and margarita's good choice. Good luck with the read-a-thon!

  2. Hello! I just finished Abe Lincoln a couple weeks ago, I'm interested to see what you think. It was kind of flat to me, but then it is supposed to read like a biography. I'm interested to see the movie, there are some actors I really like in it! Happy reading!

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