Since I have been blogging for almost three years and I have a myriad of blogs, I don't feel the need to ask for advice. However, I will share two things that I feel are the most important in having the best possible blogging experience.
First, be yourself:
As RuPaul says, "If you don't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love anyone else? Can I get an Amen?" This is so true and really will serve us in all walks of life, not just blogging. Just remember why you started blogging in the first place. For most of us, it was because we love talking about books. That's why I did. If you remember who you are, why you blog, and what you love, everything else will just fall into place. Do things the way you want because as soon as you start doing it the way everyone else wants you to (or feels you should), it becomes more like a job than a hobby. Most of us already have a job and a boss...we don't need another one! Be sure to have fun and look at yourself in the mirror daily and repeat after Stuart Smalley, "I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!"
Reciprocate...whenever you can. There are times when something happens or we get extremely busy so we can't comment as much or visit as many posts, but try to make an effort. If you host a meme (or something to that effect), don't worry so much about responding to comments as visiting their posts. If it's a linky meme, then visiting the posts is more important (in my opinion). And, if for some reason you don't make it around to their posts, be sure to apologize in the next post. But try not to make it a habit. I'm notorious for procrastinating and my Cat Thursday participants have pretty much got used to the fact that I am usually late stopping by, but the point is, I do stop by. And always try to answer a comment if there is a specific question. Blogger irritates me because they still have not added a reply feature to their comment widget. Which is why I'm considering going with Disqus. But I digress. Try, try, try to definitely answer the comments that are questions. Hopefully, we all know how busy everyone is, so we're not going to hold a huge grudge (at least, I'm not) or anything. But they say A is for effort and effort is always appreciated.
I hope everyone has enjoyed Armchair BEA this week. I'd like to thank everyone who visited me. I am still trying to get around to more blogs. I started my new job this week (of course) so it has really put a damper on my time management (as if I'm not bad enough at it already). LOL
Yes, I typically find it difficult to comment. After ArmchairBEA I am now learning all the different formats that all the different bloggers use.
ReplyDeleteI wish everything was a bit more standard.
I've added quite a few new blogs to the reader, so I'm looking forward to seeing if I can keep up.
Comment karma works for sure. I agree that you should try and return the comment love. But as you suggest, life happens and it doesn't always happen. So be happy anyway.
ReplyDeleteThanks for participating!
Here's my experts say post
Great advice, and love that Ru Paul quote!
ReplyDeleteHappy ABEA!
Excellent advice!
ReplyDeleteI think another good one would be, put your ruler away. You don't have to measure up to others.
Hi, Michelle! Simple and useful advices! Just be yourself and people appreciates that. :)
ReplyDeleteDropping by from Armchair BEA,
-Len of Musings of a Reader Happy
True that! I strongly agree with all that you've said and the quotes? Definitely awesome and precise. We don't need another boss! *chants*
ReplyDeletePS. Blogger sucks with the reply thingy :(
Happy late Day Five of ArmchairBea to you!
My ArmchairBEA Day Five Entry
Great tips!
ReplyDeleteBtw, you can add the reply button to your blog on blogger, too!
I just did it a few days ago. :)
I have a Disqus account and tried it on my blog, but didn't like those blank pictures for the ones who're not registered in Disqus...
Have a great weekend, Michelle! :)
You are too funny quoting RuPaul and Stuart Smalley in the same post! But very valid points!
ReplyDeleteJust follow the instructions in here:
And you should get a nice reply button in no time.
I think it's quite simple and easy to do, but if you have any problems just leave me another comment and I'll try to help :)