1. First of all, give us an end-of-read-a-thon status update. Books read, pages read, you know the drill!
- Total Books Read: 1
- Total Pages Read: 256
- Books Read Since Last Update: 1
- Pages Read since last update: 46
- Total time read: 7 hours
- How I'm currently feeling: I ended up leaving for the rest of the day today so I only ended up reading for one more hour and I did not do any more mini-challenges or updates.
- Books read: Read 1/2 of Queen By Right by Anne Easter Smith and finished it. Read about 56 pages of Dante's Journey by JC Marino.
3. Did you participate in any mini-challenges? Which ones? I did the writing one, the puzzle one, attempted the wordle (didn't work), the book I thought should be taught in school, favorite book to movie and least favorite book to movie.
4. Which mini-challenge was your favorite? I like to write so I liked that one. Also, favorite and least favorite book to movie.
5. What has been your favorite thing about the read-a-thon? I enjoyed the mini-challenges. I just wish I could have read more.
6. Are you satisfied with how much reading you got done? Did you do more than you expected? Less?
not satisfied at all. Just wasn't able to dedicate the time and I did not feel well last night.
7. What did you think of the updates? Too close together? Didn't like the time limit? maybe too frequent, but we didn't have to participate so no big deal!
8. If you could change one thing about the read-a-thon, what would it be? Longer. Short read-a-thons just do not work for me. =O(
9. Would you participate in another read-a-thon hosted by Squeaky Books? Why or why not? Why certainly I would! I liked how you did the mini-challenges.
10. Any last comments on the read-a-thon? I hope everyone was able to read more than me. Thanks for the fun, Enna Isilee!
Update #7
On my last update last night (below), I was not feeling well. I started feeling better and was going to do some blogging and blog reading and then jump back into reading. I'm a night owl! But I guess not feeling good took its toll because I ended up going to sleep. Didn't get much reading done.
- Total Books Read: 1
- Total Pages Read: 210
- Books Read Since Last Update: 0
- Pages Read since last update: 10
- Total time read: 6 hours
- What I'm currently reading: Dante's Journey by JC Marino (started on page 200)
- How I'm currently feeling: I feel pretty good. Ready to get some reading done!

The Road by Cormac McCarthy for high school grades. This book is short, but very powerful and it is a great lesson in humanity. I think it would be perfect for high school students because it has elements in it that would keep students interested.
No Update #5--cooked and ate supper...not feeling very well.
Update #4
My updates from now on will be all in one post. Sorry for the earlier multitude of posts!
- Total Books Read: 1
- Total Pages Read: 200 (I was already reading the book, started on page 284)
- Books Read Since Last Update: 1
- Pages Read since last update: 100
- Total time read: 6 hours
- How I'm currently feeling: Glad I finished the book (review coming up!)
MINI-CHALLENGE: For this mini-challenge you need to create a puzzle that consists of about three images which describes a book.
It's "Queen by Right" by Anne Easter :D
So many good reviews on Queen by Right; if you had to only get through one book, that seems like a good one! Sometimes life gets in the way, but I think you did great!
ReplyDeletesounds like you had a good time during the read-a-thon even though you only read one book.