I started at 9:30 am (CT).
I read and did mini-challenges and visited blogs for about an hour.
At 10:30 am, took a shower and got ready to go.
At 11:30 am, read a smidge and visited a couple more blogs (& entered some Contest Craze!)
Left house for library sale, etc. at 12:00 noon.
Returned to mom's with snacks in tow at 4:00 pm.
Commenced reading and (mostly) catching up on mini-challenges, etc.
So here are my paltry statistics:
Title of book(s) read since last update: Still reading Dracula in Love
Number of books read since you started: none
Pages read since last update: 8 pages since starting (hangs head in shame)
Running total of pages read since you started: 8
Amount of time spent reading since last update: approx. one hour since starting
Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!) one hour
Mini-challenges completed: 4 or 5 (can't remember)
Other participants you’ve visited: Crystal @ My Reading Room, Busy is Reading,
Prize you’ve won: none (yet...I hope!)
Now...time to get serious about this reading business!
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