Saturday, May 16, 2015

Announcing The Mega Perpetual Challenge Read-a-Long!

I'm almost as excited as Tom Hiddleston!

In order to increase interaction and participation within four of the perpetual reading challenges I host, I've decided to host this MEGA read-a-long event. Although this event was designed around the four respective reading challenges, you do not have to sign up for any of them to join in on the read-a-longs (although I would welcome anyone to sign up).

The hub for the entire event will be here at The True Book Addict, but the individual read-a-longs will be hosted at their respective blogs (I will list those below) and The Fantasy Project read-a-long will be dually hosted at its blog and at its Goodreads group. As the hub for the event, I will create a page listing all the reading schedules and links to the blogs which can be accessed in the menu bar at the top of the blog.

Here is the awesome button I created for the event:

grab button for The True Book Addict
<div class="the-true-book-addict-button" style="width: 350px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="The True Book Addict" width="350" height="206" /> </a> </div>

So, here is the schedule of read-a-longs and their respective blog urls:

June 2015: A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray - hosted at Goodreads group and at

July/August 2015: The Covenant by James A. Michener - hosted at

September 2015: The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice - hosted at

October 2015: Salem's Lot by Stephen King - hosted at

Stay tuned. I will be posting the read-a-long schedules in the menu page up top in a few days.

I hope you will join me for one, or all, of the read-a-longs!


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Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. It means so much.

I apologize for word verification, but as soon as I changed the settings from only users with Google accounts, I started receiving a ton of spam comments...within one hour of changing the settings. The bots are on high alert apparently.

  1. I will think about joining in on one, Michelle. As you know, I'm signed up for your Goodreads read-along but no one seems to post on Goodreads, they use twitter which I don't use anymore, so I feel that I have no one to talk to. If you can get more people to either comment here on your blog or on Goodreads, I will be open to reading along :) Please don't take this as a criticism of you-- no way! You are trying hard to keep everyone happy and I appreciate it.

  2. Oh goodie - just the kick in the butt I need to get back to Michener!

  3. Hi Michelle! I was included in your Christmas exchange with my Daughter - Tasha. I think the person that sent a gift was Carol. I would like to tell her "Thank You!! for the gift. If you can, please let Carol know that I did enjoy my gift!!

    1. Hi Chris, I will definitely let her know, but if you're on Facebook, you can post it in the Facebook event here:

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