I'm not going to do the end of event meme because I have very little to talk about. Basically, I failed...again. I didn't even finish the book I was reading, The Grip of God by Rebecca Hazell, nor did I start the other book I wanted to start, Daughter of the Gods by Stephanie Thornton. I did enjoy the mini-challenges I participated in. Particularly, the page 35 one and Stacy's TBR challenge. I may as well face it. The 24 hour read-a-thons are just not my forte. Now I shall look ahead to my Spring into Horror Read-a-Thon which starts at midnight tonight. I usually have better success at the longer read-a-thons although as busy as my life is nowadays, the outcome remains to be seen.
How did you do?
I love the social aspect of the Readathon, so that's what I focus on now. I don't use it to knock down my tbr pile, because it's just too hard to resist Twitter! So I cheered and had a blast! Now I need to go sign up for Spring Into Horror and Bout of Books!