I'm a bit late to the party on Kai's Great Series Read-a-Thon which started on Monday. Get all the details and sign up HERE. (I made that button for Kai...isn't it cute?!)
For my series book, I'm reading the first book in the Tiger and the Dove series by Rebecca Hazell, The Grip of God. I will also be reading Fagin's Boy by Christina E. Pilz and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys.
Book Dragon's Spring into a Good Book read-a-thon starts tomorrow. This is part of her Spring into a Good Book Reading Challenge, running from March 20 through June 20 which I will also be signing up for over at my challenge blog.
I'll be reading what I listed above for Kai's read-a-thon.
Love the blog button. I seriously need to finish up the Harry Potter series so I can read other things. Half way through. Good luck with the readathons!