What keeps you focused on a given story?
I was determined to keep focus on Paulyanna because I made the mistake of saying out loud I was going to write a book. Before that I only said I wanted to write a book.
I never commit or say I will do something unless I know it will happen. I don’t want to lose face. I came from a background of false promises and unfulfilled goals. It is a personal pride thing, my attempt to set myself apart from those I once knew.
Living by this rule has often made me come across as ungrateful or arrogant.
Example: An enthusiastic colleague I don’t particularly like tries to confirm my participation in some social event. His head nods for me as he asks, “You are coming, right?” I say “no”. Then he hates me.
I also had chest pains for about a year and, as my dad died of lung cancer, I put two and two together and wrote a will. Ever since my life became wonderful, I keep expecting to suddenly pop off. I wanted to ensure I got my story completed because I didn’t want people to forget me. Turns out I only needed extra magnesium and that people had already forgotten me.
I didn’t need to keep my focus on plot because my life story was already created; I only needed to jot it down. However, I do tend to ramble and go off topic, but like a homeward-bound drunk, I usually stumble back onto the right track.
I had no deadline so I could potter along without pressures to finish. When I couldn’t concentrate or my sentences refused to line up, I could stop, do some neglected chores or walk the dog. I carry a Dictaphone to record my ideas, even partial ones that I can develop later. This leaves my brain open to new thoughts.
Before I had my Dictaphone, I would spend the entire walk trying to remember a single detail, repeating it until I got home. Note book and pen I don’t carry; I’d need an A4 pad and would probably get prosecuted for littering.
I have a routine of sorts: 2pm till 4.30pm is my writing time. I make sure I am fed and watered, have my cosy jogging bottoms on and an empty bladder. No music, and I put the cat out as he licks incessantly and it drives me crazy.
When I get stuck on a sentence or direction, I remember the other times I got stuck and KNOW it will come and it always does… in the end.
So this is my virtual book tour which I hope is going well.
I am Paulyanna, International Rent-boy. I’m putting my life up to be judged so if you enjoy the read, please spread the word. Recommend me to friends. Review me.
Many thanks, PDL.
About the book
Title: Paulyanna International Rent Boy
Author: Paul Douglas Lovell
Publisher: Self Published
Formats Available In: Digital
Released: September 2013
Paulyanna: International Rent-boy is an honest and frank portrayal of a working-class male prostitute’s life.
Many factors contribute in delivering the main character onto the streets. Some very typical such as early abandonment, poverty, lack of education and sexual abuse. But Paul does not dwell too much on the past and refuses to allow these events to mar his ambition.
At eighteen a lost train ticket leaves him stranded in the city after a job interview. He uses his questionable wits to make a quick decision that steers him down a rather dodgy path.
Without added glamour or grit, Paul shares the raw accounts of his life as a rent-boy in the 90s, from London to Los Angeles. It may not have been pretty, and there was risk and danger as well as fun and thrills, but Paul had the audacity to succeed in his quest to obtain happiness, security and wealth.
This is not an erotic tale. It is an ordinary account of day-to-day life as viewed from a unique perspective. A peek into what really goes on behind the glassy-eyed smile of a male street worker. Read about his life in this optimistic and fascinating roadbook adventure.
Amazon UK
About the author
A Black Country Lad who now lives in the Black Boy Land or Schwarzbubenland as it is called in Switzerland. Life started off badly and after spending a big part of it on the margins of society working as a rent-boy (gay male prostitute) I eventually found my husband (civil partner) in 2000 and a new chapter in my life began.
Years on and we are still very happily married, or at least I am. He kept every single one of his promises and didn’t tire or change his attitude towards me. Never once have I felt cold, hungry or scared.
I now live in a detached property with a large garden in a small hamlet of 895 residence. Set in the foothills of the Jura mountains. I am surrounded on all sides by hilly forests, a small stream runs through it’s centre. It really is a proper piece of paradise. When I’m feeling extra spiritual it is easy to imagine. We are nestled in the palms of an almighty giant. God if you like. Whom, despite all I had done saw fit to watch over me and guide me to a life worth living. I have a beautiful black cat called Darcy and also a Gordon Setter girl-dog name Asherah. We live an idyllic existence.
I now enjoy the small pleasures in life, gone are the pressures of Big City Life nowadays, I can see sky out of my windows. I experience every season. In the Spring and Summer, whilst out walking in the woods we often make a fire to cook a jumbo sausage. My dog likes sausage walks. Autumn is spend harvesting our homegrown and raking up leaves. I spend a lot of my time gardening. Chopping and stacking wood for the log burner that heats our home throughout the Winter season. I’m a Glippy a glamourous hippy. We are extremely green and energy efficient, I’m a recycling master.
I wear what I call my doggy clothes mostly, saving my glad rags for when visiting the city. I like to pretend I’m living in the olden days and going to town is a really big event. So that is the new improved me. I must admit I do still enjoy cannabis but now, I drink red wine also.
“I always had a dream to become a writer and although not quite there yet am doing everything I can to make it a reality.”
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