I failed at my own read-a-thon! Take a look at the picture below. Those are boxes of books. They are stacked in the dining area of our two bedroom apartment so what you're seeing is the tip of the iceberg of boxes stacked 5 to 6 high and 4 to 5 wide...this is what about 1800+ (fiction) books look like...boxed! Those boxes are just part of what we moved last week and over this weekend. We had until this weekend to get everything out of our old house. That is the reason why my read-a-thon performance was sub-par, which I knew going in. When I scheduled the event back in March, I did not know that we would be doing the moving during this week. However, I did not (hopefully, in your minds) shirk on my hostess duties. I visited blogs and cheered them on and I hosted a mini-challenge and a participant giveaway. So for me, the read-a-thon was a success because you all enjoyed it (I hope) and that, in a nutshell, is success enough for me!
Here's what I did read:
Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin...about 100 pages
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen...about 100 pages
The King's Daughter by Christie Dickason...about 100 pages
And I read a little bit of John Adams by David McCullough for the read-a-long
If your would like to link up your wrap up post, please use the Mr. Linky below. I will be announcing winners of the participant giveaway and the mini-challenge by tomorrow, at the latest. I would also like to thank Stephanie Barko and Charlie Courtland for their generous prize donations and the two Julies for hosting their own mini-challenges and giveaways. My next seasonal read-a-thon will be in late July so stay tuned for more information on that in the near future.
Thank you to all who participated! I sincerely hope that you enjoyed it. =O)
I had fun and read way more than I ever dreamed I would, so thank you for hosting this! I've never done a week-long read-a-thon, but I will definitely do it again.
ReplyDeleteI tried really hard to get through my books as well. :) But I love a reason to just focus on reading.
ReplyDeleteSorry you didn't get much of the reading time like you had hoped, but glad you are all out of your house. And thank you for hosting the read-a-thon!
I'll be moving around July/August so let's not have a read-a-thon then y/y? haha :P
ReplyDeleteMichelle, thanks for hosting again! I really had great time with this one. I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy some of that serenity and be able to read and relax.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting! And congrats on moving all of those books! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting this! I didn't make it either, but that's okay. It was fun.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, you all! I enjoyed hosting...even if I didn't get to read much myself. I'm looking forward to my summer read-a-thon and I hope you all will join me again.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this week having a week to concentrate on reading, although life did get in the way.I will definitely be back for the next one.