Book description from Goodreads:
The promise of Live A Life You Love is simple: being true to your most authentic self and following essential principles of wellness will make you happy, healthy, and passionately in love with life.
With insights drawn from her own personal transformation from a depressed medical doctor to a joyful and fulfilled flamenco dancer, writer, speaker, and life coach, Dr. Susan Biali’s seven-step plan will help you discover (or re-discover) the hopes, passions, and talents that make up the real you.
Even if your dreams have faded, or you worry they are unrealistic, Dr. Biali will teach you how to reach that creative, hopeful place and work towards making those dreams a reality. Along the way, you’ll also learn how to maximize your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
You will learn how to:
•Begin making YOU a priority
•Understand your body’s language
•Choose foods that slow aging, boost health, and improve energy
•Improve your most important relationships
•Balance your life and find time for what counts
•Turn this knowledge into action today
My thoughts:
Susan Biali really knows her stuff. This book is a great tool for a person's journey to changing their life. It encourages you to not be afraid of change. If something is not working in your life, find a way to make a change. Biali talks about finding out who you are, learning to love yourself, following your dreams—among other things. On your way to finding these things and dreaming, she teaches you to honor your body through healthy eating and to take care of yourself and not worry so much all the time about others and their needs. She also brings the spiritual side of things in for those who find that aspect important. She includes a sample healthy diet plan in the back of the book and her website, has a printable workbook that you can use as a tool with the book (I'm going to do that next).
There is a memorable section of the book I want to share with you about the importance of finding and being the real you:
“That's why I chose to begin this book by emphasizing how important it is to start being the real you, no matter how impractical that might seem. There will never be another you. If you spend your life denying that real you, and focus on being like everyone else, that unique you, who is meant to be here, who is here, will never make it out into the daylight. And whatever it is that you were supposed to do, or experience, will die with you. I believe that you need to honor every wonderful, silly, “inappropriate” part of you, because your unique personality contains the road map for your best life.”
I recommend this book to anyone who feels like they need, or want, to change their life. I know it has given me some insight to focus on a new direction in my life. I will continue to use it as a tool as I embark on my new life's journey.
This book qualifies me for the following challenges (check my challenge progress here):
New Authors Challenge
Pages Read Challenge
ARC Challenge
Countdown Challenge 2010
100+ Reading Challenge
Monthly Mixer Mele
FTC disclosure: I received this book from OnlinePublicist for review. I did not receive any monetary compensation for reading and reviewing it.
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