Saturday, December 28, 2013

#TuesBookTalk January Selection: Possession by A.S. Byatt

TuesBookTalk Read-a-Longs on Twitter (@tuesbooktalk #tuesbooktalk) and on Goodreads will be reading the 1990 winner of the Booker Prize, Possession by A.S. Byatt, in January. Our first discussion will be on Tuesday, January 7. Our chats take place on Twitter at 9:30pm ET/8:30pm CT on Tuesday nights (see hashtag above). If you can't join us on Twitter, feel free to share your thoughts in the Goodreads group. The reading schedule is available in the Goodreads group here. Hope you will join us!


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  1. Woohoo - I've been wanting to read this one for so long and I'm going to love having people to read it with.

  2. You definitely had a few books that really made an impact. I'm glad to hear that you liked Crime & Punishment; I've always thought I SHOULD read it but was sure it would be a chore.

  3. Have you seen Never Let Me Go the movie? I didn't read the book but the movie was disturbing enough.

  4. Yeah, I was thinking at first that it was a less than stellar reading year, but as I went back and reflected, I realized there was some good reading. That's what makes these posts so great.

    You should definitely read C & P. It wasn't a chore at all. I was pleasantly surprised.

  5. I saw the film a couple of years ago and it was very heartbreaking. After I read the book this year, I found the final scene of the movie on YouTube and watched it. Dumb me. I cried like a baby...again.

  6. I was just reviewing my reading for the year and finding it less than any of the last five years! But I had a lot going on this year. I might grab a few of these questions to integrate into my 2013 overview later this week.

  7. I love that you loved The Shining! I re-read it this past year and loved it even more the second time around!!

    I have not heard of Stoker's Manuscript, but I'm definitely intrigued by it! I gotta check it out!

    2014 will be the year of clearing my own personal TBR shelves (or boxes!) as well. I have way too many I have been meaning to get to and with another move coming up this summer, I need to not buy any more books between now and then!

  8. Kazuo Ishiguro is one of my favorite authors and The Remains of the Day is one of my favorite novels! He really does write such beautiful prose.
    Also, I'm so glad you liked Gone Girl so much. I kept seeing people saying that they didn't understand what all the hype was about after reading it, but I couldn't put it down!

  9. HOW DID I MISS THIS??? Ok, I'm in.

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